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Privacy and Cookie Policy

At Sculpt Face Clinic, we are committed to protecting your privacy when you visit our website. To help you understand how we collect, use, communicate, and disclose your personal information, we have developed this privacy and cookie policy. We follow strict guidelines to ensure that your personal information is treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Our privacy policy is outlined below to help you understand how Sculpt Face clinic operates.

  • We will collect personal information in a fair and lawful manner. When appropriate, we will obtain consent or knowledge from the individual concerned. 

  • Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will clearly state the purposes for which it will be used. 

  • We will only collect and use personal information for the purposes specified by us or with individual consent, except as required by law. 

  • Personal data must be relevant, accurate, complete, and up-to-date for its intended use. 

  • We'll safeguard personal data with reasonable security measures to prevent loss, theft, and unauthorised access or use. 

  • We will only keep your personal information for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected. 

Our cookie policy is outlined below to help you understand how Sculpt Face Clinic's website works.

  • A cookie is a small file that is stored on your computer's hard drive. It helps our website to identify your computer as you navigate different pages on our site. Additionally, cookies allow websites and applications to remember your preferences, providing you with tailored content, options, or functions. They also help us to understand how many people are using our website and which pages they visit frequently. We may use cookies to:

  • Analyse our web traffic using an analytics platform. Aggregated usage data helps us improve the website content, design, and functions.

  • Identify whether you are signed in to our website.

  • Test content on our website, for instance, half of our users will view one content, and the other half will see a different content.

  • Save your preferences so you may get more relevant and interesting information from the website.

  • Improve user experience, by identifying your return to the website, remembering your preferences and showing relevant content.

  • Cookies do not give us access to your computer or personal information, except what you choose to share.

  • However, please be aware that changing these settings may impact the functionality of our website. Certain pages and services may as a result become unavailable to you.

We are committed to conducting our business by these principles to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained. Sculpt Face Clinic may change this privacy policy anytime at its sole discretion.

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